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Art Decko©️


An Artistic CSR team building challenge that enables your team to help kids into a positive environment, and enables your business to focus on the bigger picture. Art Decko is a fun creative team challenge with a great twist at the end.

“We’ve worked with O3e for 2yrs and their activities just keep getting better! We love that we can combine teambuilding with charity work.”

Anna Gillingham, M&G 

"I really enjoyed the whole experience. I sometimes find team building activities too much like forced fun but this one, I genuinely enjoyed!"  BT

How it Works


Your group are split in to small team of 3 or 4, each team has a single skateboard deck.


The first thing the team will need to do is understand the shapes and colours they need to apply to the skateboard deck, to help them they will receive a template.


Teams have their own deck painting kit and further colours and materials are available from the Skate Shack. Colours are limited to ensure that the final artwork is of a high.


The teams only spend a short time on their original before rotating around to continue where another team left off. All teams will therefore paint decks in all zones.


Once all the decks are finished we bring the teams together and, as a finale, co-ordinate the assembly of the deck canvasses by the teams to complete the image. As each completed deck is put in to place the bigger picture begins to emerge, this can be done gradually or can be part of a bigger reveal.


With the Art Decko©️ image completed teams will get to hear about the charity output from their efforts and how the boards will be used within the wider community.


Using a bespoke image, the Art Decko©️challenge can last for a maximum of 2.5 hours dependant on the complexity of the picture. The more detail the more time.

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